Challenge 7

How can we transform cultural diversity into valuable resources at home?

Diversity is something we all know and is around us in or every day live, even more then we are aware off. Diversity is everywhere not just around people who are from different countries it is everywhere because we are all so different.
In class 27 of march we where discussing diversity and here I am going to talk little bit about what I like the most about this class.
 Lilian made us play some game that showed us how much diversity was in are our class. We were all standing in a line and then she asked us questions about or self and if we would answer yes we go one step front and no one step back. When she had ask 3 questions we didn’t have a line anymore and then we could see on black and white how different we where.
I like this “game” and think it is good whey to show pupils who different they are and how like they are and it doesn’t matter about where they come from.

In class we also told a story using or own languages and it is good to speak your mother language when you are in school who is in another languages and you never speak your own languages, I should know I am the only Icelandic person in my class now and can never speak my mother language in school like my other classmates ;).
But kids often don´t want to speak their own languages and I think that is because they are ashamed to be different. Then it is good to play games or say stories were everybody can see that we are all very different. We should be proud of our mother tongue and teach children to be that also.

We watched a film in class called  New boy and then discussed it. I think that is important when you as a teacher get a new student in your class form so different culture like this boy in the movie that you something about his past and his culture. I think also that it would be good for the other kids in the class to know something about his country and culture. Best would be if he would want to talk about it himself and also tell them some of his interests, because kids of these ages often have the same interests even though they come from a different “world”, then the other kids would know more about him and also see that he was just a kid like them even though he came from another country and had a different skin color.

I like this challenges the best of all of the challenges we have been working of in Globalization and Professional changes. It is important for teachers to be were of diversity and how the kids in his class feel or think about diversity. I think it is good to try to make pupils know that diversity is good and that it is not bad to be different it is good we should be proud of what we are and where we are from.

I made this poster to show diversity and to show that we are not so different even though we come from different places.

On my poster you can see boys from different places of the world, but still they have the same interests Football!
And also you can see three different families how all come from the same country. So it doesn’t matter if we are from the same or different countries we don’t have the same background or lives. (This picture is taken from the TV season Modern family.)     

The poster Is made like it could be made by the children in lower class or primary school.