Challenge 3

In class on 15 Feb. we were discussing about different cultures in the world and how we behave in a way that our culture “tells” us to do, for example the way we introduce ourselves varies from culture to culture.

Also we did discuss that we don´t see things that we are familiar with like we see things that are unfamiliar to us.

The assignment was for us to look at 3 photos from classrooms around the world and find things that were familiar and unfamiliar to us.

The first picture was the Denmark picture we found many things that were very familiar, but still it was hard to find things to talk about because it was all so familiar to use. I think all of us did noticed that in the Laos picture was a dog in the classroom, and in the Eritrea picture none of the children had chairs or desks these two things were very unfamiliar to us westreners and stand out .
Culture shock was also one of the things that we discussed and my “culture shock” here in Denmark was the bikes here. I am not used to seeing so many bikes everywhere and I think that I will have noticed them more than a person who has been living in Denmark for a long period of time and is used to them.

It is very important to be open minded when you are visiting another country then your own or just when you are talking, learning and teaching about another country or culture, you have to be aware of that that your way of doing something is just a way not the only way.  

I think a good way of being open minded is to try to understand different cultures and traditions, if you see something that you do not understand or think is strange ask someone about it and try to understand it, do not judge it because it is different from what is familiar to you.

So a good way to be open minded is communicating with people, it does not matter what you are experiencing something unfamiliar or you are just talking about it becouse in either case you have to listen and learn to understand different points of view.

As professionals we need to teach our children that there are allot of different culture in the world and our own culture is not the only right culture.