Challenge 1

 3. Biggest challenges in the world that the form or group in class 8 February.
·         Lack of Acknowledgement political, What do we know about what the politicians are doing (and are they doing things for the people or just for the money) 
·         Work across borders (Integration – Immigration)
·         Environment - Global warming.

How to work on them as a professional
·         Get more information about the political systems in the world and talk about in with the pupils/ children. And help them understand it, because if you understand something it is more likely that you start caring.
·         Educational - social system, equal – similarity is the goal of globalization, Movement of employment across borders.
·          Inform the children, focus on methods, interaction

We talk about political conflicts and different views that people see in the world. How some things are very important in the western countries but not in the rest of the world.  Also that we, or special those of us who are not interested in politics don´t know so much about it and what is going on, there for not care so much about it and some of the people do not participate in voting and stuff.
 I think that global warming and environment are two of the biggest challenges in our world today and it´s important for teachers to inform the children about how to be more aware of these things and how to treat our environment.
Poverty is also a big challenge that my group did not talk about but I think it´s very important and we as a professional need to talk about this things with our student and teach them about them. Help them understand that kids all over the world are not that lucky to have same opportunities as they have for example in education.
Our World is a big place and can be very different and I think that it is important to talk and teach children about it and tell them about some of the big challenges we have in our world.